Digital Kit Program

Now you can use your Digital Kit grant with us!

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Given the growing demand, we have also joined in offering Mogu via Digital Kit in order to digitize the processes of travel agencies.

Digital kit program


Digital kit

The Government approves the Digital Kit program for SMEs and the self-employed with the aim of achieving the digital transformation of small and medium-sized companies. An initiative to subsidize the implementation of digital solutions to different companies to achieve technological maturity. It is framed within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, "Next Generation EU" and more than 3,000 million euros will be invested between 2022 and 2023.

Project kit - mogu

Digital solution

Mogu has developed a closed Digital Kit implementation project that covers the main needs expressed by our clients: create the product website in an easy and simple way, keep it updated and manage the booking process, from the request to the payment. The project provides the following benefits:

1 year free on the Premium plan, which offers the highest degree of customization and advanced features.
Take your website to another level without the need for costly investments in time and resources.
All content centralized and updated at all times
Account manager to assist in the whole process, from POS registration if necessary and connection to the website.
MOGU functionalities related to payment management


Add online sales to your website without stress


Product creation

Through mogu's trip builder you will be able to create your entire product catalog in record time.
product creation

Web integration

Once the product is created, it is integrated into the web and the POS is connected to be able to process online payments.
web integration


In this way, the sale can be closed from the agency's website, both the registration and the payment.

areas of action KIT - MOGU

Main problems we solve

Lack of visibility of the traveller at destination

Unless the pax are proactively contacted, there is no insight into their level of satisfaction, interests, etc.

Decentralised communication

Information is lost or diluted among the multitude of channels used: email, WhatsApp, calls, web, etc.

Excessive manual processes

The use of data-points, paper surveys, radio-guides or printed itineraries generates unnecessary operational costs.

Difficulties in financing costly innovations

Managing digital transformation internally in an agency requires excessive resources in terms of time and money.


Request for information


Frequently asked questions

Are you a digitizing agent?

No, we manage the Digital Kit through another technological partner, with whom we have already worked on numerous occasions.

What is financed with the Digital Kit?

The funds awarded from Kit Digital will cover the annual subscription to MOGU's Premium plan for one year and finance the technological development of connecting the agency's website to the MOGU account.

How long does technological development take?

Kit Digital divides the work into two phases: phase I of implementation, for which it offers a maximum of 3 months of development, and phase II of service delivery, in which the work done is tested and personalized support is provided.