presentation of the trip

Save time with the automatic search engine

I want to try it!
The MOGU Application for Travel Agencies

automatic loading

Forget about copying and pasting, welcome to a new life.

When the client asks for a quote, we waste a lot of time presenting the services. With MOGU you can save that valuable time and also present irresistible travel proposals.

Itineraries and proposals in the Implementation of MOGU


You will be able to upload everything in your proposals

Flight service

All flight data by adding the code and date.

Accommodation service

There will always be your hotel. We load content from Google.

Cruise service

Information about the shipping company, photos of the ship, description...

Restaurant service

Photos, address, contact phone number and restaurant web site.


Add the URL of your already created maps and save time.

Activities service

Images, reviews of museums and tourist attractions.

Image search engine

Don't look for stock photos. Use our search engine.

Destination information

General information about the city, country, destination, etc.

multimedia content

The best photos of the destinations at your fingertips

It's always difficult to find quality royalty-free photos. That's why we've integrated the best library of tourism stock images to make your proposals stand out from the first moment.

MOGU multimedia library for photo selection

flight loading

Number, date and voila, you have your flight.

The tool is connected to a powerful flight API which allows you to automatically load all the information: airline, arrival airport, departures, schedules, duration, etc.

MOGU multimedia library for photo selection

Robot assistance

Vaccines for Kenya - ask the robot!

MOGU has integrated GPT chat so that the travel agent can write its content with the help of artificial intelligence: visas, vaccinations, practical information, rules of conduct and much more!

MOGU multimedia library for photo selection
Guided demonstration

Embrace the Digital Age: Transform Your Travel Agency Today.