booking of the trip

Use our forms and digitize your reservation and travel request process.

Let's try it!


Adapted to all use cases

lead generation

Centralize your travel requests

Activate the "I am interested" form so that any interested person can send you a request. You will receive a notification and you will be able to generate a file based on the trip from which they showed interest. Fast and convenient. All designed to improve your daily life.

Guided demonstration

Embrace the Digital Age: Transform Your Travel Agency Today.

Leads form

Capture quality leads like never before

In each proposal you will be able to activate a form so that any potential client can leave you the data to receive more information.

MOGU Leads Capture Form
MOGU form to capture leads

Lead capture form

Capture quality leads like never before

In each proposal you will be able to activate a form so that any potential client can leave you the data to receive more information.

Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of presenting travel in this way?

The trip builder offers a multitude of benefits for the agency, both operationally and commercially. It not only saves time thanks to the itinerary builder by blocks, the automatic search engine or the content library, but also improves teamwork since the entire agency will work with centralized content and under the same design. In addition, it favors the differentiation of the agency and most importantly, the conversion. All focused on selling more and faster.

What are the ways to customize it with my brand?

The proposals are designed so that they can be adapted as much as possible to your agency's brand, being able to decide what is shown and what is not, add the logo you want, change the presentation colors and you can also add your own domain so that your brand is always the protagonist. If you are interested in taking care of the branding and positioning of your agency, the Premium plan is designed for you.  

Can I recycle content?

Yes, of course! The tool has an internal library to not only centralize all your content but to recycle it when you need it. This way, you can always drag any itinerary from your library easily, without having to copy and paste the information. In any case, you can always duplicate any proposal to reuse it as many times as you need.